Wednesday 6 May 2015

to day i help the cramary crow and toke photo for proth of what i dity

Friday 1 May 2015


the battle bots
This my animashon it is one of the longist animashon i have every don but i indhtit ti whys the not eays geting the parts or the sound but i got ther in the end.

the thing i will be useing for my animashon:
the golden bot

the hammer

the hunter

the best

the winers prize

the battle of the bots will win how will die.
the battle of the bots has bin a triton throw the age people arrogant the world come to watch and play to win the best robot parities.
the cwimint i will be using will be lego , i stop motion, i movie and audition to make my animation and the back grawond i will be using isn the world dining.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Supervised Arts Leadership

Supervised Arts Leadership

For my project I am working as part of a group on a video project. The project will produce a short video about zombies. My part of this project is to be in charge of editing the footage produced specifically to make a trailer.

The other people involved in the project are:

Courtney -Director and Pre production
Gemma - Camera Person
Kieren - Scriptwriting
Ryan - Sound

These are the skills I will need to show and develop as editor of the trailer:

Friday 17 April 2015

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Arts Award Skill Share - Reflection

The comments are fair and I will make some changes to make it better
I feel that it went well but I dont like the photos that I used, but I will use different ones next time.
i lernt that it is easy to make changes to photo when you learn to use photoshop

Monday 12 May 2014